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East Tennessee State University

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Candidate Assessment

The Candidate Assessment domain evaluates a provider's performance in preparing candidates to pass the pedagogical and content-area assessments required to obtain a Tennessee teaching license.


Exceeds Expectations

What does this mean?

"Does Not Meet Expectations" means the provider received less than 50% of possible points. "Meets Expectations" means the provider received 50-74.9% of possible points. "Exceeds Expectations" means the provider received 75% or more of possible points.

Why is this important?

Candidate assessments help ensure that new teachers enter the classroom with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful. EPPs play a key role in preparing candidates for these assessments.


This domain includes two scored metrics and one unscored metric.


Possible Score Range

Pedagogical Assessment Pass Rate

State Average: 97.2

N-Size: 488

What is this metric?

This metric reports the percentage of cohort members who passed either the Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) assessment or the edTPA assessment within two attempts.

What does this mean?

The score of 99.4 earned this EPP 8.45 out of 9 points possible.


Content Assessment Pass Rate

State Average: 88.6

N-Size: 958

What is this metric?

This metric reports the percentage of cohort members who passed the content assessments required for their endorsement area(s) within two attempts. This includes both subject-area assessments, which measure cohort members' knowledge of the subject they will be teaching, and literacy assessments, which measure cohort members' knowledge about teaching reading.

What does this mean?

The score of 88.1 earned this EPP 3.24 out of 6 points possible.


Literacy Assessment First-Time Pass Rate

N-Size: 327

What is this metric?

This metric reports the percentage of cohort members who passed a literacy instruction assessment on their first attempt. This assessment is only required for certain licensure areas.

This metric is unscored