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Middle Tennessee State University

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The Satisfaction domain reports how well cohort members feel that their preparation program prepared them for teaching.


This domain includes three unscored metrics.

Preparedness from Coursework

What is this metric?

This metric reports the extent to which cohort members agree that their EPP's coursework and program content prepared them for teaching.

This metric is unscored

Preparedness from Clinical Experience

What is this metric?

This metric reports the extent to which cohort members agree that their clinical experience (e.g., student teaching, internship) prepared them for teaching.

This metric is unscored

Would Recommend Program

What is this metric?

This metric reports the extent to which cohort members agree that they would recommend their EPP to someone who was considering entering teaching.

This metric is unscored

Survey Response Rate

N-Size: 192

What is this metric?

Data for this domain come from the Tennessee Educator Survey. This metric shows the survey response rate for cohort members from this EPP who were employed in a Tennessee public school at the time the survey was administered.